Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yummy coconut cake!!

last night i had the itch to bake a cake.  I didn't know what kind but we had just bought some new 8 inch round cake pans and they had to be put to use immediately!!  I randomly came up with a coconut cake, and having never made a coconut cake before i wasn't sure if it would need coconut milk or condensed milk or whatever.  So we went to the store before finding a good coconut cake recipe so we picked up vanilla pudding, coconut soy milk, (i could not find coconut milk so that was the next best thing, it was actually pretty good) and coconut.  That should cover everything on whatever recipe i find.  Bingo!! i found a recipe that had all of the ingredients we had bought, it also had vanilla yogurt which we also had!  The batter tasted sooo good it was hard to put it all in the the new cake pans and not save some for me.  Well the cakes looked great out of the oven.  Then I found a good recipe for the frosting and the cakes wouldn't cool fast enough for me to put it all together...sigh...The recipe for the frosting had egg yolks that i beat up for it seemed like 10 minutes, then i poured yummy hot coconut milk, sugar mixture over the raw egg yolks and mixed that for a while too.  The frosting turned out very good considering the fact that i had never made it before.  Finally, it was time for my favorite part-- putting it all together!!! yay!
There were 2 8 in x3in cakes and i used the wilton cake leveler to cut each cake in half so i could torte them.  The cake ended up being like a foot tall, okay maybe like 5 inches but it was the tallest cake i have made and it was sooo moist and coconutyyyy.  This cake recipe is definately a keeper.

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